We want to uplift, equip, and connect doers and go-getters to find their dream jobs.
Without them having to leave the couch or spend exorbitant amounts of money on degrees they don’t need. That money should be spent on pizza to enjoy on said couch anyway.
We read between the gaps in your resume, and use your pre-existing skills to place you in a dream job.
We'll build the bridge to your new career, you just have to walk across it.
We noticed a big gap between users who wanted a remote job, and sites that explained the types of jobs available to them.
Bridged is designed to be a content platform and skill tracker merged into one. We want to blast open the gates around tech jobs and make finding a career path as simple as possible.
bridged is a career content platform here to help you discover new job pathways and identify the skills you already have and need to level up and achieve your dream career.
We're working to make your job transition as seamless as possible.
It’s almost impossible to get jobs without experience, and experience is impossible to get without a job.
We're working to change that.