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Best Entry-Level

Best Entry-Level Tech Jobs that Don't Require Experience

Reviewed By Product Expert and Coach
Elizabeth Hogue
September 28, 2024

What makes a job entry-level?

At their core, entry-level jobs are jobs you use to begin a career or enter a particular workforce. In tech, that often can be a transitionary job from something like education or military service. A decade or two ago, it was almost impossible to get a tech job without a STEM background. This has almost completely changed, and diverse career backgrounds are actually encouraged in healthy workplaces. This helps bring in lots of points of view!

Truth be told, some entry-level roles are more competitive than others. This is mainly because their career ladder is steep and lucrative. Sometimes companies try and take advantage of this and ask for entry-level candidates to have a year or two of experience-- research the role requirements, target your skill gaps, and apply anyway.

We've compiled the most popular entry-level tech jobs that we've seen people use to pivot into the industry. Read on!

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Our Favorite Entry-Level Tech Jobs

Project Manager

Short Job Description

Project managers work to organize business projects and help teams collaborate. This is a great job for teachers or veterans, as many of the skills (organization, interpersonal communications, logistics) translate 1:1.

The primary tasks of project managers include project sequencing and planning, budgeting time and expenses, and making sure team members have the tools and materials needed to be successful at their jobs.

Project Manager's Starting Salary

We've aggregated thousands of salaries across glassdoor and linkedin, and project managers can make anywhere between 65k - 86k, depending on their location and skillsets.

How to Get Project Management Experience, with No Experience

Create a few free accounts with some popular project management tools (such as ASANA, Jira, Trello) and create a task manager for a household project. Watch Youtube or take a recommended class to learn how.

A project could be something as easy as logging steps to a family cooking recipe, or something as complex as managing a home remodel project. This is great content for a mini"portfolio" to talk about and reference in interviews. Read our job guide for ways to get your foot in the door as a project manager.

View more tips for Project Management

UX Researcher

Short Job Description

UX Researchers work to identify user friction with applications and websites by using qualitative and quantitative data. This is such a fun gig for those who studied psychology or sociology, or anyone curious who is interested in identifying problems all day.

The primary tasks of a UX researcher include creating and conducting user interviews, aggregating moderated and unmoderated survey responses, and presenting data to their larger teams.

UX Researchers's Starting Salary

We've aggregated thousands of salaries across glassdoor and linkedin, and ux researchers can make anywhere between 75k - 85k, depending on their location and skillsets.

How to Get UX Research Experience, with No Experience

Sign up for a free research resource like Sprig or Hotjar, and get familiar with different types of qualitative surveys you could design for users. Look into the different types of unbiased questions asked in research surveys around topics like pricing, messaging, and customer satisfaction.

Now pick a website you are familiar with, and try creating a research plan to identify some key pain points for users. Next try moderating a study on some friends and family to see if you're right. Write down your findings, and try and organize them in a way that tells a convincing story, and be ready to talk about your work in an interview. We recommend some (free!) courses for this if you're feeling lost below.

View more tips for UX Research

Product Analyst

Short Job Description

Product Analysts work with quantitative data to identify user flows and drop offs with an application or website. This is a great gig for curious individuals who are more mathematically inclined, and enjoy thinking through logic problems to create segments to grab the right chunks of data. This one takes a little more training, but we recommend the Google Sponsored Data Analytics certificate to learn everything you need to know in as little as 2 months.

The primary tasks of product analysts include digging and synthesizing data, creating dashboards to show off findings, and brainstorming ways to improve user experiences using the data they gathered.

Product Analyst's Starting Salary

We've aggregated thousands of salaries across glassdoor and linkedin, and product analysts can make anywhere between 75k - 85k, depending on their location and skillsets.

How to Get Product Analyst Experience, with No Experience

Use a website creator (like Wix or Webflow) to write about something you're passionate about, and use Youtube videos or our recommended classes to learn how to implement free Google Analytics and Google Tag Manager. Then monitor your data! Think about what paths you'd expect users to take while engaging with your content and write about why.

Congrats! You've written your first data story. This is great content for a mini"portfolio" to talk about on interviews. Expert mode: find a local business to trade work for-- maybe you throw up GA & GTM, they give you a meal., and you can give them a few insights to improve their user experience. Win, Win, Win.

Feeling overwhelmed? We're here to help! We recommend some great product analyst skill jumping off points below.

View more tips for Product Analytics

SEO Analyst

Short Job Description

SEO analysts keep track of keywords and website performance to help users find their sites organically-- meaning via google or bing. This is different than a paid search analyst, in that SEO analysts are primarily responsible for ORGANIC traffic. Organic search are Google search results that are not sponsored by companies.

This role requires keeping up to date with keyword research, tracking website traffic and page speed performance, and keeping tabs on search algorithm changes.

SEO Analyst's Starting Salary

We've aggregated thousands of salaries across glassdoor and linkedin, and SEO analysts can make anywhere between 65k - 75k, depending on their location and skillsets.

How to Get SEO Analyst Experience, with No Experience

The setup is similar to product analytics. Use a website creator (maybe repurpose and use your product analytics site) to write about something you're passionate about, and use Youtube to learn how to implement free Google Analytics and Tag Manager.

Then get a free Google Search Console account and monitor your organic search rankings. Try learning adjustments, making tweaks, and learning headlines to have a mini "portfolio" to talk about on interviews. Want to learn more? Check out our career description below.

View more tips for SEO Analytics

QA Engineer

Short Job Description

QA engineers spend all day trying to break things-- we're serious! This role supports engineering teams by actively testing and breaking new software releases.

QA stands for "Quality Assurance" and in the product and tech space refers to making sure everything is working as expected. This covers things like product functionality, feature releases, and experience launches. Every company has a QA process-- some better than others-- to make sure everything is always working as expected. This is different from a normal software engineering role because it does not require the ability to code.

SEO Analyst's Starting Salary

We've aggregated thousands of salaries across glassdoor and linkedin, and QA engineers can make anywhere between 75k - 95k, depending on their location and skillsets.

How to Get QA Engineer Experience, with No Experience

This is a trickier one, because things break all the time. Go to your favorite site, and think of creative ways to break it. What are some actions a user could take to make the site perform unexpectedly? Write down every weird thing the site does, and TADA! That's the majority of QA.

Do this a few times, and be ready to show it off in interviews. The more bugs/issues caught, the better!

View more tips for QA Engineers

And this is just the start! There are many more exciting and in-demand entry-level tech career paths available for individuals looking to start a career in the tech industry. From software development and data analysis, to project management and technical support, these roles offer a wide range of opportunities to gain experience, develop new skills, and advance in the tech industry.

By exploring different career paths and considering factors such as your interests, skills, and experience, we can find the right fit for you. With the tech industry constantly growing and evolving, now is a great time to consider an entry level tech career and start building a rewarding and impactful career in the technology sector.

What would you like to know? Send us an email at!

Elizabeth Hogue
Bridged Cofounder & Product Coach
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