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How to Use ChatGPT to Improve Your Resume (and Boost Your Job Prospects)

Reviewed By Product Expert and Coach
Elizabeth Hogue
August 30, 2024

Use ChatGPT to Tailor Your Resume to the Job Description

We know this: one of the best things you can do when applying for a new job is tailoring it to THAT specific job description. ChatGPT can be an invaluable tool in this process, helping you identify the key skills, experiences, and keywords that align with the role you’re targeting.

Ask for Job-Specific Skills and Keywords

Before you start customizing your resume, it’s essential to understand what employers are looking for. By analyzing the job description, ChatGPT can help you pinpoint the most relevant skills and keywords that should be highlighted on your resume.

For example, you can ask ChatGPT:

  • “What skills should I highlight for a marketing manager position?”
  • “What are the key responsibilities of a data analyst role, and how can I showcase my experience in these areas?”
  • “Can you help me identify keywords from this job description that I should include in my resume?”

ChatGPT can analyze the job description and provide you with a list of specific skills, qualifications, and experiences that are critical for the role. By incorporating these into your resume, you ensure that your application is aligned with what the employer is seeking. This not only helps you stand out to recruiters but also increases your chances of passing through Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS) that often filter resumes based on keyword matches.

How to Integrate These Keywords Effectively

Once you have a list of relevant skills and keywords, the next step is to strategically integrate them into your resume. This includes:

  • Skills Section: Create a dedicated skills section where you list the most important abilities that match the job description. For example, if you’re applying for a marketing manager position, include skills like “SEO strategy,” “content marketing,” and “campaign management.”
  • Professional Experience: When detailing your past job roles, weave in these keywords naturally. For example, instead of saying “Managed marketing campaigns,” you could say, “Led SEO-driven marketing campaigns that increased organic traffic by 30%.”
  • Summary/Objective Statement: Incorporate these keywords in your resume’s summary or objective statement to make a strong first impression. For instance, “Results-driven marketing manager with expertise in content strategy, SEO, and data analysis.”

By ensuring that your resume reflects the language and priorities of the job description, you significantly enhance its relevance and impact.

Organize Your Resume with Clear and Effective Sections

This may be fairly straightforward, but a well-structured resume is easier for recruiters to read and understand-- which can make all the difference in a competitive job market. However, knowing how to organize your resume can be challenging, especially if you’re applying for a new type of role or entering the job market for the first time. This is where ChatGPT can help.

Ask for Resume Section Suggestions

If you’re unsure about how to structure your resume, ChatGPT can provide personalized advice based on your career level, industry, and the job you’re applying for. For example, you can ask:

  • What sections should I include on my resume for an entry-level software developer?”
  • “How should I organize my resume if I’m applying for a senior management position?”
  • “What’s the best way to format my resume for a career change into digital marketing?”

ChatGPT can suggest an appropriate layout, including sections such as:

  • Contact Information: Always at the top, with your name, phone number, email address, and LinkedIn profile.
  • Professional Summary or Objective: A brief overview of your qualifications and career goals.
  • Skills: A list of relevant technical or soft skills that align with the job description.
  • Professional Experience: Detailed descriptions of your previous roles, achievements, and responsibilities.
  • Education: Your academic background, including degrees, certifications, and relevant coursework.
  • Projects or Portfolio: Especially important for tech or creative roles, showcasing your practical experience.
  • Additional Sections: Depending on your field, this could include certifications, publications, volunteer work, or languages.

Customizing the Structure Based on Your Experience

The order and emphasis of these sections can vary depending on your experience and the role you’re applying for:

  • Entry-Level Candidates: Focus on skills, education, and any relevant projects or internships. Since you may have limited work experience, lead with a strong summary and emphasize your potential.
  • Mid-Career Professionals: Highlight your professional experience, quantifying achievements where possible. Include a mix of technical skills and leadership abilities.
  • Career Changers: Emphasize transferable skills and relevant experience, even if it’s from a different industry. A functional resume format may work better, focusing on skills over chronological work history.

By using ChatGPT to help organize and structure your resume, you ensure that it’s both reader-friendly and tailored to the job you’re pursuing. This increases your chances of making a positive impression on recruiters and hiring managers.

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Use ChatGPT to Write Strong Resume Bullet Points

Crafting effective resume bullet points is crucial for conveying your experience in a clear and impactful way. Well-written bullet points not only highlight your skills, but also demonstrate your value to potential employers. Plus, it never hurts to show off you know how to communicate. ChatGPT can assist in transforming your bullet points from generic descriptions into compelling statements that capture attention.

Use Action Verbs to Make Your Bullet Points Stand Out

The key to writing powerful resume bullet points is using strong action verbs that clearly describe what you did and how you did it. Instead of passive phrases like “was responsible for” or “handled,” you want to use dynamic verbs that convey a sense of action and achievement.

For instance, you can ask ChatGPT:

  • “Can you help rephrase this bullet point to sound more impactful?”
  • “What are some strong action verbs I can use for my role as a project manager?”
  • “How can I make this task sound more results-oriented?”

ChatGPT can suggest powerful verbs such as “led,” “developed,” “implemented,” “optimized,” “achieved,” and “streamlined.” By replacing passive phrases with these action-oriented words, your resume will better showcase your proactive approach and the tangible contributions you’ve made in your previous roles.

Example Transformations:

  • Before: “Was responsible for managing social media accounts.”
  • After: “Managed and grew social media accounts, increasing engagement by 40%.”
  • Before: “Handled customer inquiries.”
  • After: “Resolved customer inquiries, improving customer satisfaction ratings by 20%.”

Using action verbs makes your accomplishments stand out and gives recruiters a clearer picture of your abilities and impact.

Quantify Your Achievements to Show Impact

Recruiters love to see numbers on resumes because they provide concrete evidence of your accomplishments. Quantifying your achievements—whether it’s percentages, revenue, time saved, or the number of projects completed—adds credibility and makes your contributions more tangible.

To get help with this, you can ask:

  • “How can I better quantify this achievement?”
  • “What metrics can I use to measure my impact in this role?”
  • “Can you help turn this general statement into a measurable achievement?”

When providing ChatGPT with details about your role, it can help you identify ways to quantify your work. For example, instead of stating that you “improved processes,” you could say, “Optimized processes, reducing project completion time by 25%.” Even if you don’t have precise figures, estimating percentages or using ranges can still make your bullet points stronger.

Example Quantifications:

  • Before: “Managed a team of developers.”
  • After: “Led a team of 8 developers, delivering 5 successful product launches within a year.”
  • Before: “Improved customer retention.”
  • After: “Increased customer retention by 15% over 12 months through targeted engagement strategies.”

By quantifying your accomplishments, you make your resume more compelling and provide recruiters with clear evidence of your capabilities.

Use ChatGPT to Optimize Your Resume for ATS (Applicant Tracking Systems)

In today’s job market, many companies use Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS) to screen resumes before they reach a human recruiter. You know we love reviewing different ATS-bypass software, and if you're hankering to learn more, check out our article here on the best ATS checkers.  ChatGPT can help you navigate this process by identifying relevant keywords and suggesting ATS-friendly formatting tips.

Integrate Relevant Keywords for ATS Success

ATS software scans resumes for specific keywords that match the job description. If your resume doesn’t include the right keywords, it might be filtered out before it ever reaches a recruiter’s desk. ChatGPT can help you identify and incorporate these essential keywords.

You can ask ChatGPT things like:

  • “Can you suggest keywords for a data analyst resume?”
  • “What keywords should I include for a project manager role?”
  • “How can I match the language of this job description in my resume?”

ChatGPT can analyze a job posting and highlight key terms that are likely to be important, such as specific skills, tools, certifications, or industry jargon. By strategically placing these keywords in your resume—especially in the skills section, job titles, and bullet points—you increase your chances of passing the ATS scan.

Example Keyword Integration:

  • Job Posting: “Looking for a data analyst with experience in Python, SQL, and data visualization.”
  • Resume Bullet Point: “Utilized Python and SQL for data analysis, creating visualizations that informed key business decisions.”

Including the exact phrases used in the job posting ensures that your resume aligns with what the ATS is programmed to detect.

Follow ATS-Friendly Formatting Guidelines

Even if your resume is packed with relevant keywords, poor formatting can prevent it from being accurately read by an ATS. ChatGPT can provide tips on how to structure your resume so it’s both ATS-friendly and visually appealing to human recruiters.

You can ask:

  • “What’s the best way to format my resume for an ATS?”
  • “How can I ensure my resume is readable by ATS software?”
  • “Should I use templates or custom designs for an ATS resume?”

Here are some key formatting tips that ChatGPT might suggest:

  • Use Standard Headings: Stick to common section titles like “Experience,” “Education,” and “Skills” to ensure the ATS can recognize them.
  • Avoid Graphics and Tables: Many ATS systems struggle with reading images, graphics, and complex tables. Stick to a clean, simple layout.
  • Choose Standard Fonts: Use fonts like Arial, Times New Roman, or Calibri in a 10-12 point size to ensure readability.
  • Save as a .docx File: While PDFs are often preferred for human readers, some ATS software may have difficulty parsing them. A .docx file is usually a safer choice.

By following these guidelines, you can increase the likelihood that your resume will be correctly parsed and passed on to recruiters.

Use ChatGPT to Proofread and Polish Your Resume

A polished, error-free resume is critical for making a strong impression. Even minor typos or unclear language can detract from your professionalism. Historically (at least for us), it's common to ask friends and family to look over a resume for these errors. But no more! ChatGPT can serve as a valuable proofreading tool, helping you refine your resume’s language, tone, and clarity.

Perform Grammar and Clarity Checks

Even the most experienced professionals can benefit from a second pair of eyes—or, in this case, an AI review—when it comes to proofreading. ChatGPT can help you catch grammar mistakes, spelling errors, and awkward phrasing that might otherwise slip through the cracks.

You can ask:

  • “Can you proofread this section of my resume for grammar and spelling errors?”
  • “Does this sentence read clearly?”
  • “How can I make this bullet point more concise?”

ChatGPT can highlight potential issues and suggest improvements, ensuring your resume is polished and professional. For example, it might help you replace a wordy phrase with a more concise one, or correct a misplaced comma that could undermine your attention to detail.

Example Proofread:

  • Before: “Responsible for management of team activities and ensuring project deadlines where met.”
  • After: “Managed team activities, ensuring project deadlines were met.”

By refining the language and eliminating errors, you present yourself as a candidate who is detail-oriented and meticulous.

Ensure a Professional Tone

The tone of your resume is just as important as its content. It should convey confidence, professionalism, and suitability for the role you’re applying for. ChatGPT can help you strike the right tone, whether you’re applying for an entry-level position or a senior executive role.

You can ask:

  • “Does this tone fit a senior-level position?”
  • “Is this language too informal for a resume?”
  • “How can I make this summary sound more confident?”

ChatGPT can suggest language that aligns with the expectations of the role and industry. For instance, if you’re applying for a senior leadership role, ChatGPT can help you use authoritative language that underscores your expertise and experience.

Example Tone Adjustment:

  • Before: “I helped lead projects and tried to improve team productivity.”
  • After: “Directed key projects and drove a 15% improvement in team productivity.”

The revised tone is more assertive and demonstrates leadership, making your resume more compelling to recruiters.

Create a Customized Cover Letter with ChatGPT

A customized cover letter (or even cold recruiter/hiring manager email!) can make all the difference when applying for a job. It’s your chance to showcase your personality, explain your motivation, and highlight your most relevant experiences. ChatGPT can help you craft a cover letter that’s tailored to the specific job and company, increasing your chances of making a strong impression.

Personalize Your Cover Letter for Each Job

While it’s tempting to use a generic cover letter template for all your applications, a personalized cover letter is much more effective. ChatGPT can help you customize your letter based on the job description, company values, and the specific role you’re targeting.

You can ask ChatGPT:

  • “Can you help me write a cover letter for a project manager role?”
  • “How can I tailor this cover letter for a startup company?”
  • “What’s the best way to address my career gap in this cover letter?”

ChatGPT can guide you in crafting a cover letter that aligns with the company’s culture and the job’s requirements. For example, if you’re applying to a creative agency, ChatGPT might suggest using more dynamic language and highlighting your innovative thinking. If you’re applying to a corporate role, the tone might be more formal and emphasize your results-driven approach.

Example ChatGPT Personalization:

  • Generic: “I am excited to apply for the project manager position at your company.”
  • Personalized: “I am thrilled to apply for the project manager role at [Company Name], where my experience in leading cross-functional teams and driving complex projects aligns perfectly with your current needs.”

This level of personalization shows that you’ve done your homework and are genuinely interested in the specific role and company.

Highlight Your Most Relevant Experiences

In a cover letter, you have the opportunity to draw attention to the experiences and achievements that are most relevant to the job you’re applying for. ChatGPT can help you identify which aspects of your background to emphasize and how to connect them to the job requirements.

You can ask ChatGPT:

  • “Which of my past experiences should I highlight in this cover letter?”
  • “How can I explain my transition from one industry to another?”
  • “Can you help me connect my skills to the job description in a compelling way?”

ChatGPT can help you frame your experiences in a way that directly addresses the employer’s needs. For example, if the job requires strong leadership skills, ChatGPT can help you highlight specific instances where you led successful initiatives or managed teams.

Example Experience Highlight:

  • Before: “In my previous job, I managed various projects.”
  • After: “In my previous role at [Company Name], I successfully led a team of 10 to complete a high-impact project, which resulted in a 20% increase in client satisfaction.”

By focusing on the most relevant experiences and clearly connecting them to the job at hand, you make a stronger case for why you’re the ideal candidate.

Whew, that was a lot of info! TLDR: using ChatGPT to enhance your resume is a smart move for job seekers looking to stand out in this tricky tech market. Whether you need help with resume structure, optimizing for ATS, or crafting a compelling cover letter, ChatGPT provides the support you need to boost your job prospects. By integrating these tips, your resume will not only be polished but also highly relevant to the job market, giving you a competitive edge.

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Elizabeth Hogue
Bridged Cofounder & Product Coach
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